Webinar replay

How to collect a large amount of data with VTOL drones and LiDAR combination

July 18th, 2019 53 min YellowScan

About this webinar:

The combination of the YellowScan Surveyor and Surveyor Ultra with the Quantum-Systems Tron allows for extraordinary efficiency and accuracy to support asset management needs for numerous industries.

The key features are:

  1. Fast and accurate data collection / night and day
  2. Corridor mapping with true 160° field of View
  3. Digital Terrain models below Trees and Forest
  4. Higher point cloud density and accuracy
  5. Full integration with other mobile and terrestrial LiDAR data
  6. More options related to data collection altitude, speed and coverage
  7. Faster and flexible turnaround of airborne LiDAR for project applications

In partnership with:

Quantum Systems : https://www.quantum-systems.com

Webinar speakers

Cliff Holle GM & Business Development Manager YellowScan - USA / Canada / Latin America

Thibaud Capra Application Engineer YellowScan - France

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